Puppies Already Called the Super Bowl Winner This Year
What's This?
With little more than a week to go, sports fans are gearing up for the biggest and most important annual football event: the Puppy Bowl. For those not interested in adorable pre-game puppies (check your pulse), or which fedora Bruno Mars will choose for his halftime show, there's also a football game.
So what better way to enjoy the actual game than letting puppies predict the winner? Animal Planet is putting its L!VE Puppy Cam pooches to the test.
The adoptable puppies from Washington Animal Rescue League must decide whether the Denver Broncos or Seattle Seahawks will come out on top at Super Bowl XLVIII. Of course, they receive a little help from some football-shaped treats.
If the puppies in this sports commentary weren't enough incentive, be on the lookout for an appearance from the Internet's favorite mustachioed feline, Hamilton the Hipster Cat.
Puppy Bowl X will premiere on Sunday, Feb. 2, airing before the big game from 3 to 5 p.m. EST/PST. The event will repeat all evening with new content each hour.
Topics: Conversations, football, puppies, Sports, Super Bowl, Watercooler