12 Facebook Statuses You Need to Retire

What's This?

Look, it's understandable — we've all made at least one of these statuses in our Facebook timelines. We're human, we err — but come on, enough is enough.

You probably encounter these face palm-inducing status styles on a daily basis. We've rounded the most offending examples in hopes to inspire change.

Together, we can make the "hide all" option obsolete.

  1. Flowers-from-bf

  2. To-do-list

  3. Detox-cleanse

  4. Single-again

  5. Chain-scam

  6. Smfh-smack-talk

  7. Quitting-facebook

  8. Friend-purge

  9. Hmu-lol

  10. Facebook-policy

  11. Spoiler-status

  12. Ugh

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Image: Flickr, CollegeDegrees360.

Topics: Facebook, humor, Pics, Watercooler