TV Ad Campaign Tries to Put a Friendly Face on DNA Testing

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Most consumers are likely either unaware of or uncomfortable with the idea of DNA sequencing, but 23andMe hopes to change that with its first national television ad campaign.

23andMe unveiled a new ad campaign Monday called Portraits of Health, which shows how people can use its $99 DNA testing kit to learn more about their own health. The genetics company plans to spend as much as $5 million this year to broadcast the ads.

“Our goal with this campaign is to provide consumer education and raise awareness about the potential of personal genetics, while also establishing 23andMe as a recognized and trusted brand,” Andy Page, president of 23andMe, said in a statement.

The company was founded in 2006 by Anne Wojcicki, who is married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin. It has raised nearly $70 million in funding to date.

Image: YouTube, 23andMe

Topics: Advertising, Business, DNA