25 Other Names Google Considered for Android L

What's This?

Google-phoneGoogle announced its latest OS, Android L, at its annual developers conference Wednesday.

2014-06-25 17:23:10 UTC

The latest Android phone is brought to you by the letter L.

Following KitKat and other dessert-themed nicknames, Google announced a sugar-free version of its upcoming operating system at its annual developers conference on Wednesday: Android L.

While the sleek one-letter name will certainly make dentists worldwide happy, here are 25 other names that could have made the cut.

  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. D

  5. E

  6. F

  7. G

  8. H

  9. I

  10. J

  11. K

  12. M

  13. N

  14. O

  15. P

  16. Q

  17. R

  18. S

  19. T

  20. U

  21. V

  22. W

  23. X

  24. Y

  25. Z

Topics: Gadgets, Google I/O, humor, Watercooler