Twitter Testing a 'Mute' Button to Quiet Your Follows

What's This?

Donald_mute-1Twitter is testing a mute button that can help silence chatty follows.
Image: Mashable composite, Twitter, missambear

Twitter can be loud — a constant stream of information, comments and long-winded hashtags is often exhausting. And unlike Facebook, there's no good way to "hide" the tweets from those you follow without unfollowing or blocking them.

But according to The Verge , some Twitter users are noticing a new "mute" button on both iOS and Android version of the apps, giving you a way to (finally) silence the accounts of users you follow but don't want to see in your Timeline (and muted accounts will be none the wiser).

This will particularly come in handy if you feel pressured to follow someone for work-related reasons or if someone is live tweeting an event and you don't want to fight through the clutter to read your feed.

The concept of muting on Twitter isn't entirely new. TweetDeck, which was acquired by Twitter in 2011, and third-party Twitter client Tweetbot offer ways to mute accounts, too.

The test comes just a few months after Twitter's controversial move to allow blocked users to still read and retweet your tweets (the blocker couldn't read the blocked user's stream). One day after a public outcry, the social network reversed its stance and reverted to the original policy, saying "we never want to introduce features at the cost of users feeling less safe."

It's also quite common for Twitter to quietly test new features and design updates before rolling it out to a larger user base. Experiments typically go out to a small, random pool of users.

Earlier this year, Twitter tested a major profile page redesign that it is now rolling out to all users. For a closer look at the new design, check out the gallery below.

  1. New-twitter-profile

  2. New-twitter-tweets-detail-1

  3. New-twitter-following

  4. New-twitter-bio

  5. New-twitter-cover-image-and-join-date

  6. New-twitter-edit-profile

  7. New-twitter-photos-and-media

  8. New-twitter-tweets-detail-2

  9. New-twitter-same-timeline

  10. New-twitter-tweets-and-replies

  11. New-twitter-favorites

  12. New-twitter-lists

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Topics: Apps and Software, Mobile, Tech, Twitter