10 Facts You Didn't Know About the Oscars

What's This?

Each gold-plated Oscar weighs a hefty 8.5 pounds.

This tidbit is just one of many little-known facts about the film industry's biggest night. YouTube list maker All Time 10s pulled together a list of interesting trivia about the Academy Awards.

Learn the strange statistics behind the "Oscar love curse," and discover the strange ways Jack Nicholson and John Lasseter make use of their gold statuettes. We'll give you a hint: It involves Barbie.

With obscure facts like these, you'll be the star of your Oscar viewing party.

  1. Amyadamsariel

  2. Blanchetteelsa

  3. Bradcooperpeterpan

  4. Bullocksnowwhite

  5. Christianbaletarzan

  6. Dicapriopinocchio

  7. Fassbenderjafar

  8. Jlawalice

  9. Jonahhillgusgus

  10. Judidenchtinkerbell

  11. Lupitanyongobelle

  12. Mcconagheyaladdin

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Topics: Videos, viral video, Watercooler, YouTube
Image: Flickr, ebbandflowphotography