16 Ridiculously Photogenic Rodents

What's This?

Rodents and rats typically denote a negative connotation. They're dirty, disease-carrying creatures, ready and willing to resurrect the black plague, crawl up your pant leg, and "rat" you out to the cops — not exactly the Internet's favorite animal.

But like most dangerous animals, rodents can be also incredibly cute, and sometimes they can make great pets too.

Which do you prefer: cat or rat?

  1. 6dowuqg

  2. 2tfguao

  3. Os2e1

  4. Q4klspj

  5. K0myi

  6. Gmciljo

  7. Tm9ow7j

  8. N3fz1fw

  9. Ty2rf

  10. I6wkf

  11. Qx1jc

  12. Utg9gr8

  13. Gmk97

  14. Eksglcj

  15. Tznj7

  16. T0qucvl

Topics: animals, Cute, rats, Watercooler
Image: Flickr, Rebecca Lai Rebecca Lai