'Doctor Who' and 'Friends' Mashup Will Make Your Inner Whovian Happy

What's This?

Chandler, Ross, Joey and the Doctor.

No matter what feelings you have about the 50th anniversary special, it's hard not to smile when you see this mash-up. Using the famous theme song from Friends and some choice moments from the emotional Doctor Who Christmas special, this fun tribute can't help but make any Whovian smile.

With the departure of the Eleventh Doctor and the upcoming debut of Peter Capaldi as number twelve, The Rembrandt's "I'll Be There For You" also seems like just the right sentiment for the end of the Matt Smith era.

Thankfully, all fans can still take comfort in the fact that, no matter what, The Doctor will be there for us.

  1. Sopranos

  2. So-weird

  3. Family-guy

  4. Futurama

  5. Spongebob

  6. Passions

  7. Rocket-power

  8. Who-wants-to-be-a-millionaire

  9. Svu

  10. West-wing

  11. Freaks-and-geeks

  12. Popular

  13. Angel

  14. Roswell

  15. Amanda-show

Topics: Doctor Who, friends, mashabke, theme song, Television, Videos, viral video, Watercooler
Video: YouTube, SilentAngel