The Top 10 Most-Shared Super Bowl Ads of All Time

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Video: YouTube, Volkswagen

At an estimated $4 million per 30-second slot, Super Bowl commercials are make-or-break opportunities for brands.

New data, compiled by Unruly Media, shows which advertisers got the most bang for their buck in terms of social lift.

The research shows that 60% of the most-shared TV spots were released before game day, and three of the most-shared ads of all time are film trailers (two of which are from the Fast and Furious franchise).

As game day audiences move online in larger numbers, it's becoming increasingly important for advertisers to create shareable ads that will last longer than 30 seconds on Super Bowl Sunday. With more than 100 million people expected to watch: No pressure.

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Topics: Advertising, brands, Business, football, Marketing, Super Bowl, Video, Videos, YouTube
Video: YouTube, Volkswagen