Most Top Brands Still Don't Engage With Twitter Followers
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Image: Leon Neal/AFP/Getty Images
Taco Bell and T-Mobile have both gained attention in recent months for engaging with customers and other brands on Twitter, but a new study shows most big brands still hold off from the practice.
During the final three months of 2013, 98 of Interbrand's top 100 global brands tweeted at least once and the average company tweeted 12 times per day, according to data from Simply Measured, a social media analytics provider. However, the report also found that 54% of these Interbrand companies send less than one @-reply per day.
"While top brands are dedicating resources to brand promotion, many aren’t engaging with users in a one-on-one capacity," Simply Measured's team notes in the report. One caveat, though, is some of these brands may engage with customers via direct messages, which SimplyMeasured does not track.
Pizza Hut accounted for half of all @-replies sent by top brands
Simply Measured found that Interbrand companies sent 68,000 @-replies during the three-month period, but half of those came from just one brand: Pizza Hut. Simply Measured notes that "this level of involvement" helped Pizza Hut become "one of the most engaged brands on the list."
Top brands averaged 43,100 engagements — favorites, retweets, mentions — per month, according to the report. In total, the 98 Interbrand companies on Twitter posted 129.3 million tweets during this three-month period.
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Topics: brands, Business, Marketing, Twitter