60+ Events in Technology, Advertising and More

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Image: Andreas Rentz

The Mashable Events Board is a great place to find the leading conferences in your industry — whether it's advertising, technology, media or public relations. This week we're highlighting five events that we think can help move your career forward. Our picks include events from San Francisco to Singapore. If you don't find something that's right for you, check out more than 60 events featured among our complete listings.

On the Events Board, you can sort listings by when they were added, get discount codes as a Mashable reader and watch videos of past events to get a preview of what to expect. You can also follow @MashableEvents on Twitter to catch the best events before they sell out.

MarketResearchMarket Research in the Mobile World Asia-Pacific

Date: March 4 through March 7

Location: Singapore

Trusted by over 3000 visitors worldwide, MRMW is the No.1 mobile research event series that brings you real trends, new exciting speakers and surprising insights - every single event!


Date: Feb. 22

Location: Kennesaw, Ga.

Since 2007, SoCon has flourished as a must-attend professional networking and un-conference event offering an extensive list of breakout sessions to fill a variety of professional needs.

HeroConfHero Conf 2014

Date: April 28 through April 30

Location: Austin, Texas

Hero Conf is the world's largest digital advertising conference, and each year it brings the biggest names and brightest minds together under one roof to discuss the tactics, strategies, present and future of pay-per-click advertising.

innovationInnovation Forum 2014

Date: March 27

Location: Berkeley, Calif.

How can you take your company's innovative ideas to the next level? Join The Economist's Innovation Forum for a full day of discussion and debate about the critical issues surrounding innovation and product development across industries. The fifth-annual conference will gather the country's most respected experts to explore how to create and implement your company?s innovative ideas.

citeCITE Conference + Expo

Date: April 27, 2014 through April 29

Location: San Francisco, Calif.

We bring to life how companies are embracing consumer-inspired technology to engage employees, drive innovation, and attract and empower the next generation workforce. From innovation with mobile, social, cloud and big data — what IDC calls the Third Platform — to wearable computing, 3-D printing, sensors and more, CITE will show you the latest techniques for employing new technologies to drive your business.

Visit our full list of upcoming conferences and events here.

Want to promote your event on the Mashable Events Board? Post it here.

Topics: Business, Events, Jobs, mashable events board