Vine Challenge: Recreate a Classic Game

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We want to see old-school games make a comeback in this week's Mashable Vine Challenge.

Think back to Megaman and Frogger, or to Street Fighter II and the original Tetris . Which 8-bit games did you play on your Game Boy Color or Atari 2600? Pick your favorite one and bring it to life. Bonus points if you can incorporate those bloops and bleeps of classic arcade games into your Vine video.

If you choose to make a stop-motion animation, you can use any material of your choice. Remember this guy, who recreated footage from his favorite video games using Post-it notes? Anything is possible.

We made the classic Bubble Shooter in a stop-motion video using M&M's and paper. To do this, we set up rows of the candy that slowly inched down the screen every 15 frames or so, and let the paper arrow guide the direction of the shooter.

Share your Vine video by Friday, Nov. 22 at 10 a.m. ET, using the hashtag #OldSchoolGame. We will revine and feature some of our favorite entries in a follow-up post.

Homepage image: Flickr, ...ven y siente el RUIDO !

Topics: apps-and-software, Apps and Software, Gaming, Mashable Vine Challenge, Social Media, stop-motion animation, Vine