Star Wars Episode VII Screenwriter Is Out

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A year ago, Star Wars fans everywhere cheered the news that Michael Arndt would be writing the script for the as-yet-untitled Episode VII. Arndt brought us both Little Miss Sunshine and Toy Story 3; fans felt he would bring a measure of emotional depth to the galaxy far, far away.

According to a Lucasfilm announcement on Thursday, however, it appears Arndt is out — replaced by both the director, J.J. Abrams and veteran Star Wars script polisher, the legendary Lawrence Kasdan.

"Michael Arndt has done a terrific job bringing us to this point," said Kathleen Kennedy, president of the company and Lucas' hand-picked successor. "There are very few people who fundamentally understand the way a Star Wars story works like Larry, and it is nothing short of incredible to have him even more deeply involved in its return to the big screen. J.J. of course is an incredible storyteller in his own right."

It isn't immediately clear what state Arndt left the story in or whether a finished draft exists — and, if it does, how much of his work will be used.

Kasdan, who wrote Raiders of the Lost Ark, was brought in for the fourth and fifth drafts of Empire Strikes Back. Lucas himself took over the screenplay in the wake of the death of Leigh Brackett, the first draft screenwriter. Kasdan is responsible for many of the famous lines of Empire, including Yoda's "Try not. Do." ("I am your father," however, was all Lucas.) He was also involved in the brainstorming and drafting process for Return of the Jedi.

Abrams wrote Super 8, Mission Impossible III, and Armageddon, as well as a host of TV shows.

As if to ease the blow, Lucasfilm simultaneously announced a whole raft of talent that will be participating in Episode VII. Sound designer Ben Burtt, the man responsible for Darth Vader's breathing, Artoo's bleeping and every laser blast and lightsaber hum, will be returning. Abrams' frequent collaborator Bryan Burk will be producing, alongside Kennedy and Abrams.

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Image: John Heller, Getty Images Entertainment

Topics: Entertainment, Episode VII, Film, jj abrams, jj abrams, Star Wars