Conquer Your Job Search Woes With 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'

What's This?

Jack Skellington understands what a pain switching jobs can be.

The star of The Nightmare Before Christmas, which turns 20 this year, had a pretty severe career shift, but his woes can still help you through your (hopefully) more mundane swap.

If the pumpkin king teaches us anything, it's to believe in destiny — and that shrunken heads make terrible gifts.

  1. Jack-skellington

  2. Jack-skellington-walk

  3. Jack-skellington-christmas

  4. Jack-skellington-stare

  5. Jack-skellington-color

  6. Jack-skellington-head

  7. Jack-skellington-spider

  8. Jack-skellington-candy-cane

  9. Jack-skellington-fair

  10. Jack-skellington-grimace

  11. Jack-skellington-evil

  12. Jack-skellington-turn-out

  13. Jack-skellington-climb

  14. Jack-skellington-teddy-bear

  15. The-nightmare-before-christmas-butterfly

  16. Jack-skellington-pumpkin-king

  17. Nightmare-before-christmas-love

Image: Barry King/WireImage/ Getty Images

Topics: Halloween, Film, Pics, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Watercooler