22 Songs to Help You Through the U.S. Government Shutdown

What's This?


The United States government has been shut down for the past week, which has halted all legislative action and left government employees across the nation temporarily without work. While we hope Congress can come to an agreement sooner rather than later, but there's still no clear indicator of when the shutdown might end.

While you wait it out, we have a Music Monday playlist with songs help you get through the shutdown. Naturally, it starts off with Pitbull and Akon's "Shut It Down" and Ne-Yo's "Shut Me Down."

Next, for the employees who may be taking advantage of their unexpected break from work, we kick back with Bruno Mars' "The Lazy Song" and enjoy the "Lazy Days" with Enya.

However, we know that those out of work are undoubtedly anxious for Congress to get it together. In hopes that our nation's leaders can put their differences aside, we end the playlist with 112's "Why Can't We Get Along" and War's "Why Can't We Be Friends?".

Is this playlist missing any songs you've been blasting during the government hiatus? Share it with us in the comments below or on Spotify, and we'll add it to the playlist.

How to Share Your Song With Us

1. To follow Mashable on Spotify, click here. If a popup window asks you to launch an external application, accept. This just means the browser will open up Spotify.

2. Follow Mashable or send us music by clicking "Send Music."

3. To send music while browsing tracks within Spotify, follow the MashableHQ account. Then right-click (ctrl + click) on the song you want to send and click the "Share" option.

4. By default, Spotify pulls up the "Post to Feed" option. Instead, select the "Send to Friend" tab, type in "MashableHQ" and hit the blue "Send" button.

If "MashableHQ" doesn't show up when you're trying to send a track, make sure you're following the account. If you're still having problems sending a song after that, let us know in the comments section below, and we'll help you fix the problem.

Image: Flickr, Wayan Vota

Topics: Entertainment, Government Shutdown, Music, Music Monday, Social Media, spotify, U.S.