NBA Star Drives Armored Truck to Wage War on 'Haters'

What's This?


NBA star J.R. Smith's latest giggle-inducing antic? Enlisting an armored military vehicle — the same one driven by The Rock in Fast Five, no less — to tool about New York City.

Smith was reportedly seen out and about in Manhattan after parking the giant truck outside of a restaurant this weekend, prompting a wave of incredulous media attention during August's slow sports news cycle. But even better than the ruggedly flamboyant new ride? Smith's justification for its absolute necessity, which he explained on Twitter on Monday.

The vehicle in question, called a Gurkha F5, is shown above. It reportedly retails at $450,000. Whether Smith actually bought his own or was borrowing a friend's isn't clear. But no matter — he did drive it to dinner, prompting plenty of questions from fans and reporters alike. And it was one fan's tweeted query that elicited this excellent response:

A #war against #HATERS. Jose Canseco would be proud.

But this is only Smith's latest credential for eventual induction into the Sports Internet Hall of Fame. While mired in a dreadful offensive slump this May, he posted a fantastic shot at haters to Instagram — perhaps the opening salvo in what's now apparently become an all-out war. In May, he tweeted a viral Twitter burn at rival and Kardashian ex Kris Humphries. Then there was the time a leaked Twitter conversation in January revealed how he picks up women on those lonely NBA road trips. That back-and-forth featured his immortally suave line, "You trying to get the pipe?"

J.R. Smith, truly a man for all seasons in our modern times.

Image: Terradyne Armored Vehicles

Topics: Entertainment, NBA, Sports