How to Back Up Your iPhone Photos

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What's the worst part about breaking or losing your iPhone? When you lose all of your pictures with it, that's what. Hardware and cases can be replaced, but you can't reproduce those cherished photographic memories.

That's why it's important to sync your iPhone camera roll with iPhoto frequently, so that if anything happens to your phone, your photos will be safe and sound. While that's the simplest way to back up your photos, you have a few alternatives.

The gallery above explores several different ways to save your iPhone photos, including the traditional iPhone sync, a step-by-step guide on setting up Photo Stream and various IFTTT recipes that save your photos to the cloud.

Do you have any horror stories about losing your photos? Share them in the comments below so our readers know

Image: Flickr, United States Mission Geneva

Topics: apple, Apps and Software, iPhone, Mobile, photography, Tech