Limbo May Be the Creepiest iOS Game Ever

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Remember Limbo, Playdead's black-and-white, 2D-scroller that scared and thrilled us on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC? The game is now available for iOS, and it's every bit as scary as its big-screen counterparts.

In the game, you play a little boy searching for his lost sister. To find her, you must enter Limbo, a weird, monochromatic world that's a child's worst nightmare. Don't believe us? Well, the first time you step on a spring trap, you'll see what we mean.

The gameplay mostly consists of the usual brain teasers and obstacles, and the controls are simple, but effective — tap and swipe right on the screen to move forward, and swipe up to jump.

However, Limbo's beautiful visuals, bleak atmosphere and gruesome details make it a special treat for gamers looking for something slightly out of the ordinary.

The game is available in Apple's App Store for $4.99. It works on the iPad 2 or higher, iPad Mini, iPhone 4S and higher, and the latest-generation iPod Touch.

Have you tried the game out? How do you like it? Tell us in the comments.

Image courtesy of Playdead

Topics: Entertainment, Gaming, iOS, limbo, Mobile