Why Today's College Graduates Must Be Self-Sufficient

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Image: Flickr, David Goehring

The definition of "entry-level" has evolved over the course of the past decade or so. Whereas graduates brandishing fresh degrees in, say, the class of '98 may have expected to score a job based on prestigious educations alone, today's candidates increasingly find "1-3 years of work experience" a prerequisite even for entry-level listings.

For recent college graduates, the transition to the working world after years of academia can be a shock to the system — and today's employers expect junior hires to hit the ground running. As a student, there's a sense of direction and a slew of resources and advisors at your beck and call. Professors encourage you to come to them with questions during office hours, and every test or assignment is clearly outlined on the first day of class.

Sorry grads: There are no syllabi in the working world — and while 77% of recent grads believe they'll receive formal employer-sponsored training at their first job, only 48% will actually experience such preparation. In other words, the class of 2014 should expect to adjust to their new roles without much hand-holding.

To ensure you're at the top of your game, below are a few tips for learning how to thrive in a post-grad professional environment.

Try out a role through an internship, fellowship or apprenticeship

If you don't already have an internship or two under your belt by the time you're walking across the stage toward your diploma, expect to spend some time working your way up the ranks in your first professional endeavor.

"I think a lot of recent college grads forget that it's very rare for anyone's first job to be their dream job," says Amanda Augustine, job search expert at TheLadders, a comprehensive job-matching service. "It's a stepping stone. You're getting into that role to gain whatever relevant skill sets or industry experience is required in order to move up."

Augustine hammers home the importance of building your resume and garnering experience before graduation. "If you aren't interning, you're at a great disadvantage against the competition," she says. "Really, the internship has turned into the entry-level position."

But recent graduates without internship experience shouldn't panic; it's not too late. "There are companies offering real-life apprenticeships these days. Fellowships too," Augustine says. She suggests the following sites as excellent resources for grads seeking internships or other resume-boosting gigs: Career Rookie, Internship Programs, InternMatch, Internships.com, WetFeet, TheMuse, CollegeRecruiter.com and AfterCollege.com.


For grads seeking full-time employment, Augustine stresses the importance of flexibility with expectations. "Don't be afraid to take the administrative job — the customer service job, or the secretary or receptionist position — if it's putting you into the industry or company in which you're interested," she says. "These roles provide an opportunity to look at someone who is in a position two or three levels above you and ask yourself, 'Do I still think that work is interesting?' "

Though "experience" certainly won't pay back those student loans, it will provide invaluable insight about future career paths and professional interests, talents and skills.

Ask for clarity regarding expectations

Chief complaints about the millennial workforce often include an inflated sense of entitlement and over-dependence on managers and superiors — but Augustine says employers should take into consideration that this is a generation accustomed to a constant state of feedback. Many of today's young adults grew up inundated with social media, complete with comments and "likes" on essentially every aspect of their lives.

That being said, most managers won't accept "But that's how it works on Instagram!" as a valid reason why you're knocking on their door every ten minutes to ask a question. "The biggest thing you have to understand is that you're in charge of managing your own career," says Augustine. "Employers are not necessarily expecting you to have a complete set of hard skills already under your belt, but you need to be a self-starter in your first role. Don't assume that your boss is going to be your mentor and your coach."

Setting expectations from day one can help you thrive in the professional jungle. Augustine emphasizes there is a balance between being a sponge and teetering on the verge of needy. "Figure out the right frequency with which to approach your manager, and the right channel — and figure out if there are other people you can talk to instead of going straight to your boss," she says. New hires should ask clarifying questions when they first start, such as: What am I expected to learn? What am I expected to accomplish within the first 30 days, 90 days or over the course of the year?

Take steps to prevent burnout

Here's another reality about today's young workforce: The "connected generation" is tethered to phones, tablets and other tech — which means they are continuously plugged into work emails and an on-the-job mindset. This is another reason it's crucial for managers and team members to maintain clear channels of communication regarding expectations and workload.

Darrell Silver, co-founder and CEO of Thinkful, an online school that teaches students to code, has an insightful take on the employer-to-employee cycle of feedback. "I think it's a misperception that millennials are more demanding of their employers — what's actually going on is that today's workers expect to spend their entire lives connected to the job. As a result, they expect something in return," he says. "As a hirer, it's important to recognize this. You want [to hire] people who are aspirational and occasionally demanding, because it often means they're demanding of themselves, too."

But there is such a thing as being too self-sacrificing for the sake of a burgeoning career. New hires should take steps not to spread themselves too thin and to develop a healthy work/life balance in order to mitigate burnout. Silver suggests employees dedicate specific blocks of personal time throughout the work week, adding that actually scheduling a couple hours on a calendar to set aside these chunks of "me time" can be effective.

Another way to cultivate work/life balance is to expand horizons by getting involved in outside projects or developing new hobbies, which can liven up the monotony of a post-grad routine. "Never stop moving," says Silver. "By working on new projects, talking to new people and learning new skills, you show independence and curiosity. If you show that kind of enthusiasm in your own efforts while looking for a job or starting a new position, it signals something very strong about your potential."

Learn how to creatively problem-solve

Often, the roles that push you outside of your comfort zone are the ones with the most potential for upward mobility and, ultimately, fulfillment. Learning how to make on-the-spot decisions, meet deadlines and solve difficult problems will serve you well as you advance toward a more defined career path.


Image: Flickr, rubygirl jewelry

Instead of panicking when tasked with an unfamiliar project, there are a few steps you can take to handle such situations with dexterity. Augustine suggests new hires talk to others who have previously held their role, look at past projects associated with the position, research generic information online and ask intelligent, straightforward questions when receiving new assignments. "You don't want to invest a lot of time creating a 30-slide PowerPoint presentation when your boss is expecting a few bullet points in an email," she says.

If your question is straightforward, consider asking Google before turning to your boss. You can find a great deal of helpful material online with a quick search, including sample press releases, sample sales forecast spreadsheets and sample project plan templates.

Seek networking opportunities through peers, mentors and continued education

In part due to the rise of social media, millennials are inherently skilled at networking — at least from a social perspective. "Now it's time to take those skills and apply them to a more professional setting," says Augustine. "Networking with people in the same industry [allows junior hires to] start learning the nuances of their new roles, which they might not get an opportunity to learn as thoroughly in the workplace alone." Augustine suggests getting involved in industry-related activities, conferences or Meetups to connect with potentially valuable professional contacts and exchange advice.

Another thing to keep in mind: Your education isn't over after graduation. There are a variety of platforms that offer continued education services and can help students fill gaps in their skill sets. Thinkful, for example, offers mentor-guided online coursework for students who wish to learn to code, with a time commitment of about 7-12 hours per week, depending on each student's customized curriculum.

Resources like Thinkful are especially helpful for those new hires disappointed by a lack of formal training in their new roles, or for anyone thinking about shifting career tracks. "Our classes work by trying to replicate the training experience that people are actually looking for," says Silver. "You have someone you can tap on the shoulder and ask for help."

If you're retroactively regretting not taking that 8 a.m. Intro to Finance or upper-level marketing course in your undergrad career, Augustine suggests a couple other helpful options for continued education and networking, such as Skillshare, Coursera, General Assembly, Toastmasters or enrolling in courses at a local college.

For developing softer skills, such as leadership or management, Augustine recommends thinking outside the box. "If you've got horrible stage fright and can't give a presentation, maybe consider taking an improv class. If you need to work on management/leadership, volunteer for a cause you really care about and offer to head up a committee or project," she says.

Adapting to a new job is a learning experience that extends beyond the classroom; taking charge of your own path and developing self-sufficiency can be the difference between mediocrity and success in the post-grad landscape.

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Mashable Job Board Listings

The Mashable Job Board connects job seekers across the U.S. with unique career opportunities in the digital space. While we publish a wide range of job listings, we have selected a few job opportunities from the past several weeks to help get you started. Happy hunting!

Topics: Business, Job Search Series, Jobs, recent graduates