'Game of Thrones' Recap: The Mountain and The Viper

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FightThe Mountain fights the Red Viper in Episode 8 of Season 4 of 'Game of Thrones'.

Image: HBO

This post contains spoilers for the most recent episode of Game of Thrones. Don't read if you aren't caught up. Seriously. We warned you.

This week's episode of Game of Thrones certainly took a long time to get to what everyone wanted: the fight between Oberyn Martell and Gregor Clegane.

Oberyn has quickly become a fan favorite since he arrived in King's Landing earlier this season, with every bawdy scene and all-too-honest line of dialogue. But while we knew about his prowess in the bedroom, it was unclear how well he could fight. But as Tyrion said, a man called the Red Viper must be able to fight well, right?

I think the fans' eagerness to see the climactic battle was even reflected in Tywin playing off Maester Pycelle at the beginning of the fight.

The Red Viper couldn't have been more spectacular. His nimble, twirling fighting style was the perfect foil to the lumbering Mountain. His spear is the best weapon to counter that monstrous reach. He's got so much going for him.

oberyn martell twirl

But this is Game of Thrones, so nothing will ever go well. And hubris will get you killed.

Oberyn — why couldn't you just let the Mountain die? Why even get near him when your victory is so well in hand? But as with so many characters in Game of Thrones, getting revenge for someone else's death is most likely going to contribute to your own.

As a book reader, it was great to see Oberyn's passion directly translated from the page. "Her name was Elia. You raped her, and killed her children," is a phrase you read a lot. This fight is just as dramatic in the books, and was captured beautifully right to the end. It was definitely another hard secret for those who've read ahead to keep.

Tyrion's soliloquy just before his trial by combat — achingly long as we wondered if we'd actually get to see the battle this episode — was slightly confusing. The only parallels I can draw is that his cousin's brutality was something that no one could explain, just like the Mountain's.

Or it's that the squished beetles made the same sound as Oberyn's head as he was killed.

This also means our favorite Lannister has run out of options. Trial by combat was already a risky bet, but what can possibly happen now? Tyrion only has one real ally left in the city with Jaime, but he has already stuck his neck out once to help him. With Pod and Brienne gone, and Varys uninterested in helping him, what can he possibly do to save himself in the next two episodes?

Also, Oberyn's death means the Lannisters probably have a new enemy: Dorne. It can't be good to have sent the second in line for the throne to a wedding and have him killed in a fight. Even if Princess Myrcella is staying there, it doesn't mean the already chilly relations between to the houses won't get even worse.

A new player in the Game of Thrones

Across the mountains, Petyr had to answer for Lysa's little whoopsie-daisy out a hole to nowhere. Why would anyone be suspicious?

When star witness Sansa Stark — err, Alayne Stone — is brought before the panel questioning Petyr, we see exactly how much she has learned. Do I hear the Oscar nomination committee calling, because that was great acting.

From when Sansa slapped the brat Robin last episode, we're finally seeing a stronger side of her, one that isn't going to be the victim, and one that will take care of herself — even if it means keeping slightly skeevy Petyr alive.

And then she comes out with this walk at the end, with the newly black hair:

sansa stark strut

With only two episodes of season four left, Sansa's path — which has strayed a bit from the source material — seems to finally be getting interesting. What does she have in store for Littlefinger?

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Topics: Entertainment, game of thrones, game of thrones season 4, HBO, recap, Television, tyrion lannister