9 Facebook Pages You Won't Believe Have Millions of Likes

What's This?

Vin-diesel1Actor Vin Diesel answers questions at a South Korean press conference promoting "Fast & Furious 6" on May 13, 2013

Image: Lee Jin-man/Associated Press

We all "like" Facebook Pages for two main reasons: to show support and to get news. It makes sense, then, that some pages have more likes than others.

What doesn't make sense is the arbitrary way in which the Facebook community decides which pages to like and which to ignore. For every "I F*cking Love Science" providing useful and interesting information regularly, there are dozens of pages with just as many likes that provide much less intriguing content.

We've gathered a handful of pages that the community has determined worthy of millions of likes. This isn't to say that these pages are useless (though a few are), but it's still interesting to wonder what makes a digital crowd matching that of Yemen's entire population gather to support Skittles.

Take a look at our gallery above and witness the strange things millions of us have decided to "like."

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Topics: brands, Facebook, facebook pages, Social Media

Image: Lee Jin-man/Associated Press