12 Sochi Photos That Russia Probably Doesn't Want You to See

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Image: Cameron Spencer/Getty Images Sport

As more athletes and reporters share their Sochi horror stories, many are realizing that the host city of the 2014 Winter Olympics isn't quite prepared for the global attention it will receive when the games begin on Friday.

Photos from Sochi over the past two weeks have revealed that parts of the city's Olympic venues remain unfinished. Reporters are complaining very publicly that their hotels are still under construction. Sochi officials are also collecting and killing off stray dogs ahead of the games to clean up the city's image before cameras arrive. And there's tension between Russian and American officials over yogurt shipments.

The games last 16 days, so Sochi still has time to repair negative first impressions. For now, however, things aren't looking very good. Below, we've rounded up photos that the Russian government probably doesn't would rather you not see.

  1. Sochi-incomplete-3

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  3. Sochi-incomplete-1

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  5. Sochi-incomplete-2

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Topics: 2014, olympics, Photos, Pics, russia, sochi, US & World, Work & Play, World