10 Years of Facebook: Past, Present and Future

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This week marks the 10th anniversary of when Mark Zuckerberg launched "TheFacebook" as a sophomore at Harvard University.

Since then, Facebook has become the world's most dominant social network, with more than 1.2 billion monthly active users.

Now, as one of the industry's grizzled vets, Facebook faces competition from newer networks (namely, Snapchat) and accusations that it has a "teen problem."

Today at 1:15 p.m. ET, we're hosting a special MashTalk to discuss Facebook's storied past, the moves it's making today and what the future looks like for the company.

Do you have any Facebook-related questions or thoughts? Share them in the comments, below, or tweet them using the hashtag #MashTalk.

Topics: 10th anniversary, Facebook, Google Hangouts, mark zuckerberg, Social Media