The 12 Weirdest Bets You Can Make on Super Bowl XLVII

What's This?

465968503Super Bowl XLVIII -- it's not just about the game.

Image: Elsa, Getty Images Sport

During this Sunday's Super Bowl, millions of viewers will tune in and anxiously wait to see what kind of hat Bruno Mars is wearing during his halftime show performance.

Wait, what?

It's no secret that NFL games are one of the most popular targets for betting afficionados. With the Super Bowl being the biggest game of the year, it makes perfect sense that many gamblers will put money on whether they think the Seattle Seahawks or Denver Broncos will win the game, how many points will be scored, and which player they think will be crowned Super Bowl MVP.

But bookies do not limit themselves to the conventional betting categories. Viewers can bet on every second of the entire event—from the coin toss through the player's post-game speeches. We rounded up 12 of the weirdest prop bets available, which you can find below.

Note: All prop bets as found on Bovada

1. Will the power go out in the stadium during the game?

Inspired by last year's mid-game power outage, this prop actually only gives you the option to bet "Yes," which seems ill-advised given how confident the NFL is that Metlife Stadium will avoid a repeat of last year's fiasco.

Image: Tumblr, Reaction GIFs

2. How long will it take Renee Fleming to sing the National Anthem? (Over/Under 2 minutes and 25 seconds)

This comes down to a simple choice on Fleming's part: Either she'll want to show off her operatic capabilities in front of millions of viewers, or she'll want to get the heck out of the cold and back to her set.

Image: Tumblr, opera musings

3. Will Knowshon Moreno cry during the singing of the National Anthem?

"Come on, guys. It was one time!"

Image: Reddit, Churchanddestroy

4. If Renee Fleming wears gloves when she's singing the U.S. National Anthem, what color will they be? (White/Black/Red/Other)

I have no idea how a person is supposed to predict this.

Image: Tumblr, Reaction GIFs

5. Will any members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers be shirtless during their halftime show performance?

While it will be a cold evening, the Chili Peppers, especially bassist Flea, have quite the aversion to wearing shirts while they rock out. Who's to say they'll treat this show any differently?

Image: Tumblr, sra-psycho-sexy

6. Will the announcers say the word "marijuana" during the game?

With Denver and Washington being the first two states in the U.S. to legalize recreational marijuana use, many fans have been quick to dub this the Marijuana Bowl. However, we think the chances are hazy at best that Fox would go out of their way to mention this. To be blunt, it's a pretty high-risk topic for a major broadcast network to discuss. Maybe the announcers would get a kick out of it, though.

Image: Tumblr, MLB

7. What will Bruno Mars be wearing on his head at the start of his halftime performance? (Fedora/Fur hat/Tuque/No hat)

These are the important questions, people.

Image: Tumblr, inspirationnns

8. Who will Barack Obama pick to win the game?

It's a prediction within a prediction.

Image: Tumblr, thats-n0-moon

9. If the Broncos win, will Peyton Manning retire before Game 1 of the 2014 regular season?

Peyton Manning will turn 38 in March and had pretty drastic surgery a few years ago, so it's perfectly reasonable to wonder if he'll decide to hang it up if he's able to secure his legacy with another Super Bowl. However, having to wait an entire offseason to see if you're going to get your money back sounds way too stressful.

Image: Tumblr, Amy Elizabeth

10. What Color will the Gatorade (or liquid) be that is dumped on the Head Coach of the Winning Super Bowl Team? (Orange, Clear/Water, Yellow, Red, Blue, Green)

Orange is the heavily-favored classic, but what if Seattle wins and chooses to go with their green and blue team colors? What if the Gatorade freezes over the course of the game? This bet is not as simple as you may think.

Image: Tumblr, BuzzFeed Sports

11. Who will the Super Bowl MVP mention first in his speech? (Teammates, God, Fans, Coach, Other Team)

Of course, if Richard Sherman is named the game MVP, there's no telling what he'll say first in his acceptance speech.

Image: Tumblr, AdWeek Mag

12. How many times will Peyton Manning say "Omaha" during the game? (Over/Under 27.5 times)

Peyton Manning has always been notorious for calling out a frenzied series of audibles to change the play before snapping the ball, and recently fans have started to notice that the Denver QB shouts out the word "Omaha!" a lot before the play. The verbal cadence has take on a life of its own, and now it's a legitimate thing you can bet money on. The only issue is that Peyton always has a plethora of tricks up his sleeve; who knows if he'll even say "Omaha!" once during the Super Bowl?

Image: Tumblr, Yahoo Sports

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Topics: Bruno Mars, Entertainment, football, NFL, Sports, Super Bowl, Super Bowl XLVII