Redditor Catches Sweet Moment Between Two Fathers

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2013-12-25 04:56:38 UTC

This Redditor's picture captures what it means to be father — no words needed.

The Redditor, who has since deleted his username, posted the image to the site Monday with the caption "My sister had her first son today, I caught a rare moment between two fathers."

  1. 8z6awjd

In the photograph, the new father, looking adoringly at his newborn child, stands in the foreground. But in the background, the new grandpa can be seen looking just as adoringly at his daughter who had recently given birth.

The picture is proof that no matter the age of the kid, a father's love will always look the same.

Image: Flickr, nojhan

Aaron Lee

Aaron Lee is the Social Media Manager at Binkd Promotion, a comprehensive platform for social media marketing through digital promotions and contests. He writes more social media tips on the ...More

Topics: Cute, Dads, father, inspiring, Pics, reddit, Watercooler