12 Serious Hair Styling Tips From John Stamos

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John Stamos turned the big 5-0 Monday — and the years have treated him well. He's even more smokin' now than during his stint as America's favorite uncle on Full House.

While the actor has played notable roles in Glee, ER and Necessary Roughness, it's his role as the hair-obsessed Uncle Jesse that truly captured our hearts. No one — absolutely no one — made more of a statement on television than Stamos and his mullet (paired nicely with leather vests).

Since Stamos has managed to rock the small screen for years now, we've gathered some of his finest hair styling tips for everyone. We would all be lucky to look half as fine — with half as much hair — during our golden years.

John, if you're reading this: Happy birthday, you beautiful creature, you.

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Image: Jason Kempin/Getty Images

Topics: Celebrities, Full House, hair, Pics, tv shows, Watercooler