Newspaper Mistakenly Runs Photo of 'Jackass' Star Instead of Dead Israeli Soldier
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Image: New Zealand Herald
SYDNEY — The New Zealand Herald apologised on Monday after running a photo of Jackass comedian Ryan Dunn alongside a story about the death of a New Zealand-born Israeli soldier.
The photo appeared on the front page of the newspaper's Monday edition with the headline, "Kiwi killed in Gaza." The image was meant to be of Staff Sgt. Guy Boyland, who died in a firefight with Hamas gunmen in Gaza on Friday. Instead, it showed the American comedian who died in a car crash in 2011.
The New Zealand Herald issued an apology, saying that there would be a full review of its processes after Dunn's photo was accidentally retrieved from Boyland's Facebook page. Boyland, who moved from New Zealand to Israel as a small child, was a fan of the comedian, and had posted photos to his Facebook page after Dunn died in a high-speed crash in Pennsylvania.
Editor Shayne Currie issued a statement on the newspaper's website, which said she had spoken directly to the Boyland family to apologise "unreservedly":
An apology with the correct photo of Sgt Boyland.
"I have personally spoken to members of Guy's family this morning, as has the CEO of APN, Jane Hastings. The family members have been remarkably forgiving, particularly in the circumstances. I have apologised for adding to their grief and I will keep them fully updated on how this happened as obviously it is unacceptable.
"We are currently looking into what checks were made regarding the two images, with a view to ensuring procedures are reviewed to ensure that there is no repeat of this error in the future."
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