How Your Company Can Attract Top Tech Talent
What's This?
We are living in a technology-infused world — hence the rising demand for top tech talent. Companies are fighting with one another while attempting to attract the best candidates, and young tech wizards are getting lost in the process. With so many jobs opening daily, how can your company stand out?
Studies show that millennials are most attracted to companies that allow for flexible schedules, stress the importance of people and culture and, of course, offer hefty salaries and benefit packages (although, surprisingly, money is not at the top of most job searchers' lists). Thankfully for tech buffs, tech salaries are rising — in 2012, salaries rose 5.3% to top $83,000 — a factor that makes the competition even more cutthroat.
There are a few companies that are attracting millennial talent extremely well by hosting hackathons and marketing themselves strategically: Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft, Evernote, Bitly and Skype, to name a few.
There are also those tech superstars who are already employed — but may still be worth poaching. About 80% of job candidates already have jobs — and aren't actively looking for new ones — but are still interested in new opportunities. In those cases, the onus falls on company recruiters to scour the web, speak with industry contacts and find the talent that their company is lacking.
The following infographic compiled by Talent Puzzle lays out the land of tech talent recruiting, and highlights some interesting statistics about the current U.S. job market, hiring strategies and recruitment at tech firms.
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Mashable Job Board Listings
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Senior Product Manager at Bedrocket Media Ventures in New York, New York
Content Marketing Specialist — Telecommute at Elements Behavioral Health in Long Beach, California
Senior Software Engineer at Target in San Francisco, California
Topics: Apps and Software, Business, Dev & Design, Gadgets, hiring, infographics, Job Search Series, Jobs, mashable careers, Recruiting, Work & Play