12 Photos That Illustrate Everyday Connections

What's This?

Image: Flickr, Laura Domínguez

Last week, we asked Mashable readers to participate in a photo challenge themed around connections to celebrate Social Media Day on June 30.

We were pleased to see such creativity among the submissions. There were photos of wires connecting one device to another, perfect shots of bridges connecting islands to the mainland, portraits of families joining hands and macro images of spider webs.

Scroll through our featured picks, below. And don't forget to join the #SMDay celebrations that are happening worldwide. Whether you're here with us in New York, or are based outside of the U.S., there are plenty of opportunities to connect with others.

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  2. ?size=l

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  9. Odee-void

  10. Grace

  11. Bq56lj1ccaaap8h

  12. Bq44lxbiaaahy8r

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Topics: Mashable Photo Challenge, photography, Social Media, social media day 2014