7 Super-Specific Dating Sites That Only the Internet Could Spawn

What's This?


The Internet is many things: a mine of cute animal photos, a great way to waste time and, most importantly, a resource that can help you find almost anything you want — including a partner.

It's only natural that web culture has produced some pretty unique dating sites for people with especially niche interests — cat lovers, fandom enthusiasts and even members of subcultures who might avoid typical social outlets IRL.

We rounded up some of the most Internet-y, super-specific dating sites that ever were. I can haz romance?

  1. Cat-valentine

  2. Furriez

  3. 316350537_fd4f2f462c_o

  4. Startrek

  5. Animeresize

  6. 3112450681_0b7a140f09_o

  7. Geekresize

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Topics: cats, Doctor Who, internet, Lifestyle, Star Trek, Vampires, web culture, Work & Play