Giant Game of Tetris Played on 29-Story Building
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Image: Joseph Kaczmarek/Associated Press
Tetris fans leveled up — and up and up — this weekend.
Hundreds of enthusiasts played the classic video game on the 29-story Cira Centre high-rise building in downtown Philadelphia Saturday, possibly setting a world record in the process.
Colorful displays appear on the 437-foot building during any normal night thanks to hundreds of LED lights installed on its facade, but this weekend, the Cira Centre's north and south sides were turned into a 100,000-square-foot screen, while players controlled larger than life pieces with joysticks.
This year's event follows a record-breaking game of Pong played on the same building last year.
"This project began as a personal love letter to the games that I loved as a child — Pong last year, Tetris this year," Frank Lee, an associate professor at Drexel University who organized the massive game, told onlookers, according to the Associated Press. "But it ended up as a way of uniting the city of Philadelphia."
Players entered a lottery for a chance to play on the colossal screen. Competitors on each side of the building played against each other, and also worked together in a more cooperative version, according to Drexel University.
The game was a part of Philly Tech Week, a week-long event celebrating technology and innovation, which officially kicked off Friday.
Tetris, the brainchild of Russian computer programmer Alexey Pajitnov, celebrates its 30th anniversary this June. Among the spectators at Saturday's event was game designer Henk Rogers, the man credited with bringing Tetris to Nintendo's Game Boy in the late 1980s, a move that popularized the game, the AP reported.
A group MIT students hacked a campus building to play the classic game last year. Their stunt followed previous feats years earlier by co-eds at Brown University and the Netherlands' Delft University.
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Topics: building, Gaming, Philadelphia, Tetris, U.S., video game, Videos, Watercooler