Must Reads: Striking Gold, the WikiLeaks Ghostwriter and More
What's This?
An employee trims unneeded leaves from pot plants at Medicine Man marijuana dispensary, in Denver, Colo., on Dec. 27, 2013.
Image: Brennan Linsley/Associated Press
During the week, we consume words in snackable, tweetable bites. But on the weekends, we have the time to take a dive into the murkier, lengthier depths of the Internet and expand our attention spans beyond 140 characters. We can brew a cup of coffee and lie back with our iPads, laptops, smartphones and Kindles.
Since you're bound to miss a few things during the daily grind, we present to you, in our weekly installation of Mashable Must Reads, a curated list of can't-miss stories from around the web to read and reflect on. (You can find last week's must reads here.)
The Crazy True History of the Saddle Ridge Gold Coins | Mashable
The original headline alone was jaw-dropping: A Californian couple stumbled upon $10 million worth of gold coins in rusty tin cans. But we didn't take the news at face value: Where did all that money come from, and how did it end up buried there? Mashable's Lance Ulanoff discovered evidence of a heist of the 1,427 Liberty head coins, which were minted between 1855 and 1894, in a newsletter from more than a century ago.
Saddle Ridge Gold Coin Hoard.
The Internet Is Fucked | The Verge
...But we can fix it, by calling on the FCC to make sure Internet access stays competitive for consumers. The Internet is a utility, just like water and electricity, writes Nilay Patel. If those utilities were comprised, would you sit back and stay quiet? We all must respond to attacks on a free, open Internet; your actions online aren't wholly separate from your actions IRL.
Ukraine Journalists Race to Publish Secret Yanukovych Documents | Mashable
Imagine the scene: Ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych is hiding out in Russia, after fleeing his presidential palace last week at the height of protests. Nearby, journalists found pages and pages of documents floating near a dock — documents that expose secrets about Yanukovych's lavish life. Now, the journalists are scrambling to salvage what they can of the burned, soaking wet documents and publishing them to for the world to see.
A Star in a Bottle | The New Yorker
Scientists in Europe are creating a "self-sustaining synthetic star," a bold plan for a new energy source that could save the planet from catastrophe. It's a mind-blowing project and idea, if humanity can pull it off before it's too late.
From the State That Legalized Weed, Comes the World's Strongest Drug Test | Mashable
Todd Neff smoked some weed and then took the strongest drug test in the world (it was for journalism, OK?!). The drug test, which was born in Colorado, logs nearly every chemical you ingest, including aspirin, nicotine and antidepressants. But is the data it collects safe? The more advanced these tests get, the higher the risk for abuses in medical privacy.
An employee trims unneeded leaves from pot plants at Medicine Man marijuana dispensary, in Denver, Colo., on Dec. 27, 2013
Ghosting | The London Review of Books
The ghostwriter for WikiLeaks' Julian Assange emerges from behind the curtain in a fascinating tell-all: "The issue of control never became real to Julian. He should have felt worried about what he was supplying, but he never did — he had in this, as in everything, a broad illusion of control." Disclaimer: A very long read.
Trauma Is Contagious | The Atlantic
Those who fight for our country aren't the only ones who suffer afterward. A powerful, harrowing story that sheds light on why war vets' partners sometimes develop psychiatric symptoms as well, in what is called "secondary traumatic stress disorder."
Gay Couple of 53 Years to Wed in Texas Church — And Everyone's Invited | Mashable
Jack Evans and George Harris were sitting in church when, to their great surprise, their reverend said he would start performing same-sex weddings. So in March, after 53 years of being together and less than two months after their reverend's announcement, the two men are finally getting married. "We just said anybody who wants to come can come [...] We're doing this not only for ourselves but for the community," Harris said.
Jack Evans, left, and George Harris, will be married on March 1 in a ceremony by a United Methodist Minister.
Image: Courtesy of Jack Evans and George Harris
Don't have time to read them all now? In our Readlist below, export this week's must reads to your tablet to save for a time you have no distractions. Simply click the "read later" button alongside each story or or click "export" to send the entire list of articles to your preferred device.
Topics: Gadgets, Mashable Must Reads, julian assange, marijuana, net neutrality, Ukraine protests, U.S., US & World, vaporizers, WikiLeaks, Work & Play, World