Most Americans Would Choose Internet Over TV or Cellphones

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Image: Flickr, Edwart Visser

If you had to choose, would you rather give Internet access or TV? Email or social media?

According to a new study from Pew Research, 46% of American adults said that Internet would be the most difficult technology to go without, with cellphones a close second and TV in third place. Just a few years ago, Americans were more willing to give up Internet in order to keep TV.

Surprisingly, 17% of Americans still aren't willing to give up their landlines, which sheds some more light on last year's report that 71% of U.S. households still use landline phones (as of 2011).

The following chart, created by Statista, illustrates what Americans are willing to give up in terms of technology.

Internet TV Chart

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Topics: chart of the day, Entertainment, Gadgets, internet, Social Media, Tech, Television