This App Tracks Your Face to Control a Game

What's This?

Gesture interface controls may be taking off in the world of console gaming (Kinect) and desktop environments (Leap Motion), but the dynamic is still struggling to find its place in the world of mobile. That may be about to change thanks to a new app that allows you to control you phone through face-tracking.

Israel-based Umoove not only offers a face-tracking app, but it also has an eye-tracking app in the works as well (see video below).

"The beta of the EyeSDK [software development kit] is also already being integrated with some of our partners," Umoove CEO Yitzi Kempinski told Mashable.

"We will be launching a pilot with one of our partners in the next few months and will be releasing a product with another. In general, as apposed to the FaceSDK, the EyeSDK is not going to be open to the general public and will be available to various strategic partners only."

Currently, the primary showcase for the face-tracking technology comes via the Umoove game, which allows you to control a character as it flies through a virtual terrain collecting potions that increase the character’s energy supply.

We took the software for a spin and while the face-tracking works as advertised, executing precise control does take a bit of practice. When the app first starts up it asks you to move your head into a series of on-screen target circles so that it can calibrate its tracking software to your particular position and environment.

After it’s done calibrating, you’re free to begin flying through the virtual world, an experience that is actually pretty addictive. Once you get the hang of it, the only thing you’ll have to get used to are the looks you’ll get from people wondering why you’re nodding and swooping your head at your iPhone.


Although the only application users can use the technology for now is the free game, the video demo also shows the technology being used to control 3D models and GPS maps on tablets.

For now, the free game is only available on iOS, but the company has plans to release an Android version as well. You can download Umoove now via the Apple App Store.

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Image: YouTube, Umoove

Topics: Apps and Software, Gaming, interface, Mobile, software, Tech