Parody Trailer Out-Quirks Any Indie Movie at Sundance
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Film festivals offer a great way to discover new filmmakers and movies not widely screened. However, with so many independent films hitting theaters in recent years, it has become difficult to discriminate from one quirky critical darling from the next.
YouTube comedy group Tastes Funny created the perfect Sundance trailer, jam-packed with every indie movie cliché under the sun, from an obscure soundtrack comprised solely of clapping hands to adorable children frolicking with sparklers. Special praise should also be given for the fake film's "endorsements," including such gems like "Michael Cera reinvents himself again as a bumbling, awkward manchild" and "so many people to feel sorry made me feel so much better about my life."
Sadly the parody trailer is only a trailer, and not a full-length film. Fans can see more great videos from the comedy group by visiting their YouTube channel.
Image: Youtube, Tastes Funny
Topics: comedy, Film, indie films, parody, Videos, viral video, Watercooler