Justin Bieber's Arrest Is More Popular Than Queen Bey's Album Drop

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BiebsJustin Bieber, seen here at the premier of 'Justin Bieber's BELIEVE' release in Los Angeles last December, was arrested Thursday for DUI. Then Twitter went off.

Justin Bieber got arrested, and then Twitter exploded.

The Biebs has been the talk of the town since news broke early Thursday morning that the pop singer had been arrested for a DUI. The Miami Beach Police Department confirmed that Bieber was arrested early Thursday for a DUI and drag racing, and the resulting Twitter explosion was inevitable.

Conversation around his arrest hit more than 6,100 tweets per minute in the last 12 hours, according to Twitter. That's more than the 5,300 hundred tweets per minute that Beyonce generated when she unexpectedly launched her new album on iTunes in December.

Bieber's arrest seems to have divided the Twitter world, and many are using hashtags to show their support, or dislike of the pop star. Popular hashtags include:

#DeportBieber - 11,080

#FreeBizzle - 7,956

#FreeJustinBieber - 4,013

The data represent the number of tweets sent in the past 12 hours containing that hashtag, and was provided to Mashable by Twitter.

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Topics: arrest, beyonce, Conversations, dui, Entertainment, justin bieber, Music, Twitter