Jelly Is the New Play Toy for Brands

What's This?


Jelly — the app created by Twitter co-founder Biz Stone — doesn't appear to have any direct utility for brands. So of course, brands are all over it.

One of the most talked-about projects of 2013, Jelly launched last week as a free iOS and Android app. The idea is that you photograph objects and people with your phone and tap your Facebook and Twitter networks to answer questions like "What is this?" The app got a big boost over the weekend when Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg used it to ask about a spider.

General Electric was one of the pioneer brands on the platform. Late last week, GE began by asking fans about their favorite scientists (see below). Katrina Craigwell, global manager of digital marketing at GE, says the company is kicking the tires at the moment. "We're just trying it out a little bit," she says. "We'll continue to play with it in a light way over the next few weeks."


In addition to GE, some other brands have also started experimenting on Jelly including Kenneth Cole, Toms shoes and Travelocity. The latter has dispatched its Roaming Gnome icon to answer questions on Jelly, rather than pose them.


Meanwhile, at least one media brand — CNBC — is trying out Jelly as well.

Image: YouTube, Travelocity

Topics: Business, jelly, Marketing