If 2014's Oscar Nominees for Best Picture Had Honest Titles

What's This?

The 2014 Oscars nominees were announced Thursday, and many picks left film novices scratching their heads.

What are these movies even about? (Clearly, a lot of us spent 2013 watching superhero sequels.)

To help newbies out, CollegeHumor simplified the Best Picture category by providing honest titles and descriptions for this year's nominees. Check out a few, below, then head over to CollegeHumor.com for the rest.

  1. Americanhustle

  2. Gravity

  3. Her

BONUS: 10 Fun Facts About Oscar Statuettes

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Homepage image: ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images

Topics: collegehumor, Film, Oscars, Videos, Watercooler

Image: ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images