Figure Skater Jason Brown Really Knows How to Work a Crowd

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Jason Brown, the 19-year-old from Illinois, proved to be an impeccable showman at the 2014 U.S. Figure Skating Championships on Sunday in Boston. His free skate routine wowed the crowd, earning him the silver medal and a ticket to the Sochi Olympics in February.

Brown glided smoothly and elegantly on ice. Announcers pointed out that Brown wasn't much of a jumper, like some of this competition, but the skater's slow, methodical movements proved to be only his warmup. The audience went wild as Brown completed an impressive sequence of footwork. "It's his Riverdance," the announcer said as the crowd cheered.

The routine was capped off by several spins and jumps that excited the crowd even more. The crowd gave him a standing ovation, with many audience members tossing roses onto the ice rink. The young skater will go on to compete with the U.S. Olympic Team in Men's Figure Skating in Sochi.

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Image: Matthew Stockman/Getty Images

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