6 Vine Comedians Nominate the Best Videos of the Year
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Video sharing platform Vine turns one year old on Jan. 24. In anticipation of the event, we reached out to funny Vine users and asked them to pick their favorite videos of the year.
Viners like Ry Doon, BatDad and Logan Paul selected a variety of six-second videos, from the surreal world of Simply Sylvio to the hilarious jokes of DwarfMamba. Here are 18 top picks from the professionals.
Doon says this early Vine video from Will Sasso "inspired me to do my own characters," and "gave me freedom to be weird."
This Simply Silvio video "combines real-life with his fantasy world, and it's refreshingly original," Doon says.
Simple and sobering, this Vine video from user Nick Confalone was posted a few hours after the Boston marathon bombings. Doon, who's from Boston, said this video "resonated deeply" with him.
Vine user Curtis Lepore posted this hilariously accurate video about useless arcade winnings.
Paul often collaborates with Viner Evan Eckenrode (username Dwarf Mamba), so it's no surprise one of his videos ended up on his picks.
Vine user Ryan Willis doesn't give a damn. We've got a badass over here.
Nash called this "Gummy Money" video by Nicholas Megalis "the Vine of the year."
Brittany Furlan's cartjacking antics land on Nash's list.
Okay, if Michael Douglas is in your Vine video and you make him laugh, it has to be one of your picks.
LoPriore says that Viner Justin Terio is super underrated, but definitely worth checking out.
Naturally, LoPriore also picked his brother Danny as one of his favorite Viners.
LoPriore is a big fan of Alphacat, but he couldn't pick a favorite video. Instead, we just went with one of his more popular Vine videos.
You can trust BatDad (real name Blake Wilson) to pick another funny dad like user KingDaddy.
Nicholas Megalis is really popular with well-known Vine users.
This DwarfMamba and Logan Paul collaboration is awesome for Mario fans.
Here's one of JoshDarnIT's (real name Josh Gaines) own Vine videos, but it's such a cool trick that we had to include it.
Comedian Chris Delia couldn't resist riffing on Macklemore's song "Same Love."
Michael LoPriore throwing waffles out of a car while listening to techno music? Right up Gaines' alley.
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Topics: apps, Apps and Software, comedy, Entertainment, Social Media, Video, Vine