25 Vintage Valentine's Day Cards

What's This?

Whether you love or hate the so-called "Hallmark holiday," exchanging flowers, gifts, and greeting cards has been an annual Valentine's Day tradition for hundreds of years.

The holiday's romantic concept became popular in 17th-century England, and advancements in the printing press gave way to mass-produced love notes in the 19th-century. The Greeting Card Association estimates that 145 million Valentine's Day cards are sent every year — and that's not even including classroom valentines.

Though, we've come a long way from the cutesy, flowery and sometimes cheesy cards of years' past. Let's just say, they definitely trump the Justin Bieber valentines we have today.

Take a look at some of the vintage valentines lovers have exchanged over the years.

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Topics: Holidays, valentine's day, vintage, Watercooler

Image: Flickr, http://ift.tt/UphNO5