Women's Health USA - January/February 2014

Women's Health USA - January/February 2014

Women's Health USA - January/February 2014

English | 168 pages | PDF | 37.00 Mb

Women's Health is the must-read magazine for women who want to live life to its fullest. Every issue of the magazine is a manual to better, healthier living in two key respects-physically and emotionally. Womens Health magazine is your source of information on fitness, nutrition, sex and relationships, style, beauty and more. With success strategies, fitness tips and fashion and career advice, the magazine encourages readers to take charge and conquer all aspects of life. Each issue has something different to offer, such as healthy, delicious recipes and fun weekend activity ideas. Edited for a well-rounded readership, Womens Health focuses on providing realistic goals and covering the issues most relevant to todays modern woman.

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