Revised '12 Days of Christmas' Reveals Truth About Ho-Ho-Hoing

What's This?

Ten lords-a-leaping, four calling birds and a partridge in a pear tree? Doesn't sound like anything we've seen on a Christmas wish list lately.

While "The 12 Days of Christmas" may be a holiday mainstay, it isn't very up-to-date.

In this comic, Maria Scrivan revises the holiday tune to make it more relevant to our plugged-in lifestyles — Christmas selfies and text messages are more like it.


BONUS: A Cats' Guide to Making Christmas Meow-y and Bright

  1. Byt1crp

  2. Yyqbr

  3. 6wjnt

  4. Lu4zo

  5. Hc32o

  6. Mvewqqe

  7. Ixasqu3

  8. Ky4alrd

  9. Om13tof

  10. Tmmqp

  11. Aj69f9f

  12. Kswoe

  13. Xqmxlvl

  14. Ubg76

Comic written and illustrated by Maria Scrivan. Published with permission; all rights reserved.

Topics: Christmas, Comics, humor, Maria Scrivan, Watercooler