10 Reasons to Stay Home on New Year's Eve

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At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old Grinch, we'll admit it: New Year's Eve is the worst.

Dec. 31 is the one night of the year when expectations are preposterously high, and realities are inevitably disappointing. With all that pressure, it's a miracle anyone manages to have a good time.

This year, trade the party dress for sweats and grab the Snuggie. Here are 10 reasons to kiss 2013 goodbye from the couch.

  1. Gandalf-fireworks

  2. 7gctjvz

  3. Crowds

  4. Diaper

  5. No-one

  6. Drunk

  7. Sloppy-kiss

  8. Bored-britney

  9. Hangover

  10. New-years-rockin-eve

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Image: Mashable, Nina Frazier

Topics: Imgur, New Year, new year's ever, Pics, tumblr, Watercooler