Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4: Which Are You More Excited About?

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Gamers everywhere are eager to get their hands on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, but many are still trying to decide which new console is right for them.

Both systems boast plenty of new features and an array of impressive titles available at launch. Sony's PS4 cost $100 less than Microsoft's Xbox One, proving that the former is trying to gain a competitive edge.

Readers, tell us: Which new gaming system are you more excited about? Take our poll, below; then explain your choice in the comments.

BONUS: Game Screenshots from Next-Gen Consoles

  1. Assassin's%2520creed%25204%25202

  2. Assassin's%2520creed%25204

  3. Assassin's%2520creed%252043

  4. Battlefield%25204%25202

  5. Battlefield%25204%25203

  6. Battlefield%25204

  7. Blacklight%2520retribution%2520ps4

  8. Blacklight%2520retribution%2520ps4.jpg%25202

  9. Cod%2520ghosts

  10. Cod%2520ghosts%2520multiplayer

  11. Cod%2520ghosts%25202

  12. Contrast%2520ps4

  13. Contrast%2520ps4%25202

  14. Crimson%2520dragon%25202

  15. Crimson%2520dragon%25203

  16. Crimson%2520dragon

  17. Dead%2520rising%25203%25202

  18. Dead%2520rising%25203%2520world%2520map

  19. Dead%2520rising%25203

  20. Divekick21

  21. Divekick3-1024x576

  22. Fifa%252014%25202

  23. Fifa%252014

  24. Fighter%2520within

  25. Fighter%2520within%25202

  26. Flower

  27. Flower-ps4-2

  28. Forza%25205

  29. Forza5_e3_screenshot_02

  30. Forza-5

  31. Injustice%2520gods%2520among%2520us

  32. Injustice-gods-among-us-screenshot-2

  33. Just%2520dance%25202013

  34. Just%2520dance%25202014

  35. Killer%2520instinct

  36. Killer%2520instinct%25202

  37. Killzone-shadow-fall

  38. Killzone%2520shadow%2520fall

  39. Killzone__shadow_fall_

  40. Knack%2520ps4

  41. Knack

  42. Lego%2520marvel%2520superheroes

  43. Legomarvelsuperheroes2

  44. Lococycle

  45. Loco%2520cycle

  46. Madden%2520nfl%252025%25202

  47. Madden%2520nfl%252025

  48. Nba2k14-1

  49. Nba%2520live%252014

  50. Nba-2k14

  51. Need%2520for%2520speed%2520rivals%25202

  52. Need%2520for%2520speed%2520rivals

  53. Powerstar%2520golf

  54. Resogun13

  55. Resogun7

  56. Ryse%25202

  57. Ryse%2520son%2520of%2520rome

  58. Skylanders%2520swap%2520force%25202

  59. Skylanders%2520swap%2520force

  60. Trine%25202

  61. Warframe

  62. Zoo%2520tycoon%25202

  63. Zoo%2520tycoon

Image: Flickr, Javier Dominguez Ferreiro

Topics: community, Entertainment, Gadgets, Gaming, Microsoft, PlayStation 4, sony, xbox one