Librarians Confess Their Naughtiest Book Sins on Tumblr

What's This?

Though you may be terrifed to look your local librarian in the eye after returning an overdue book, one Tumblr may ease your fears.

Librarian Shaming aggregates anonymous confessions from librarians who have committed many of the same book sins you've been scolded for in the past.

Do you shamelessly dog-ear book pages? Pretend to have read the classics even if you've only seen the movies? Recklessly record marginalia in books before you return them? So do these librarians, and they're coming forward with the truth.

Check out a few scandalous library confessions below.

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  4. 50-shades-confession

Homepage Image: Tumblr, Librarian Shaming

Topics: books, Conversations, library, Pics, tumblr, Watercooler, Work & Play