Ask a Dev: What Are the Advantages of Native and Hybrid Apps?

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We've tackled the question of native apps vs. mobile websites, but comparing native and hybrid apps leads to a whole other discussion.

In our latest Ask a Dev video, iOS engineer Eric Miller explains the advantages of creating a completely native iOS application and creating a hybrid app.

He says native applications have the benefit of familiarity. Developers already know how to code for iOS and Android software development kits and can expect how they'll function. Users are also already acquainted with these apps.

"They know the feel, flow and navigation and everything about the applications they already use on their native devices, and trying to reproduce that using hybrid is a little bit tricky," he says.

However, hybrid also has its advantages. Since hybrid apps use one single code, it's easier to develop for multiple platforms.

Miller also talks about where user-submitted data, such as images and settings, are stored. He explains that photos and videos uploaded to applications can stay stored on the user's device, but sensitive information, such as usernames and certain settings, should be kept in the cloud.

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Topics: Android, Apps and Software, Ask a Dev, Dev & Design, developer, iOS, Mobile, native application, Tech