New Software Could Turn Robots Into Friends and Co-Workers

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It may sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but British researchers are developing software to make robots so smart, they could become friends or even co-workers in the future.

A program is underway at the University of Birmingham — along with the help of schools such as the University of Lincoln in England — to create robot "brains" intelligent enough to learn from their experiences; this could ultimately enable them to serve key roles in society, such as security guards or caretakers.

“[It] ultimately should lead to the coming generation of robots, which will be able to share our living spaces and work spaces, and be our co-workers and, who knows, maybe even our friends," University of Lincoln professor Tom Duckett told the BBC .

Dubbed the "Strands Project," the four-year initiative is meant to augment rather than replace human workers by allowing robots to assist at work or home. Researchers are looking into several scenarios where the robots could be of service.

For example, a security robot could notify human security officers when something is wrong, such as a small change in the environment that the human eye would not be able to not detect on its own.

Is incorporating robots into the home and workplace a smart move for the future? Or does it make you nervous? Give us your take in comments, below.

Image: University of Lincoln

Topics: Apps and Software, Home, Robot, Tech, Video, World