Mom Freaks Out After NBA Player's Devious Taco Bell Prank

What's This?


Life is good for Ben McLemore. He was the seventh overall pick in June's NBA draft, giving him license to do all sorts of cool things. He can buy expensive toys. He can plot his course to the Hall of Fame. And he can give his mom nice gifts to make up for this cruelly funny prank he pulled on her over the weekend:

As McLemore giddily explains in the Instagram video, above, he put a snake in his mom's Taco Bell bag. Just what kind of snake — or whether this snake was actually real — is unclear. What is clear, however, is that the snake had its desired effect. If McLemore has this many tricks up his sleeve on the court, he's in for a fine rookie season, indeed.

Excellent prank, or one that falls flat? Give us your take in the comments, below.

Image: Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

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