Introducing #MashAdvice, Your New Twitter Advice Column

What's This?


Technology makes our lives better, and ... more confusing.

Should I send a Facebook friend request before the first date? If my dad, age 53, uses his laptop for browsing the web and checking his email, might he enjoy a Kindle Fire as a birthday present? I'm attending a friend's black-tie wedding in a few months and need a good deal on some fancy attire, where can I find something online? What are some tips on taking selfies for my online dating profile?

Sometimes, especially in the case of interpersonal relationships and the always-on nature of social media, technology presents new situations that we haven't quite figured out an ettiquete for just yet. Other times, technology makes our lives easier — if we know how to use it correctly.

Do you need advice on relationships, fitness, productivity, style or education and how these things fit into your digital lifestyle? We're taking questions now.

How to Participate in #MashAdvice

  • Post your questions on Twitter with hashtag #MashAdvice, directed to @MashLifestyle

  • Come to our Twitter chat on Tuesdays at 3 p.m. to give advice to your fellow readers

  • The best answers will be featured in a roundup at the end of the week.

An Advice Column by Everyone

In the age of social media, we don't need to rely on a single expert to answer our difficult questions. On Twitter, we can often get helpful answers, faster. So the advice columnist in #MashAdvice is literally all of us.

During the Twitter chat we'll discuss the week's advice question in more depth — but you can tweet your advice with the hashtag any time during the week, and could be included in the roundup.

Along with Mashable readers, we asked a few people well versed in the digital lifestyle to pitch in their tips too — digital strategist Amy Webb met her husband through online dating and wrote a book about it — Data, A Love Story: How I Gamed Online Dating to Meet My Match . Gary Vaynerchuk writes about how to succeed in a social media world and runs digital agency VaynerMedia. Randi Zuckerberg is founder of Zuckerberg Media and wrote upcoming book Dot Complicated . Startup founders Adriana Herrera of Fashioning Change, Jason Jacobs of Runkeeper and Ryan Carson of Treehouse will all be pitching in their advice, too.

What burning question do you have about how to better live the digital lifestyle?

Image: Composite by Mashable

Topics: advice column, dating, fitness, Lifestyle, producvitity, relationships, Twitter, Work & Play